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Step away from your desk and into Nature

Step away from your desk and into Nature

If you’re always busy at work, it can seem impossible to step away from your desk, let alone get
outside. But it’s important to do just that for both your physical and mental health.

Get out of your chair

Sitting sedentary all day can give you a bad back or do damage to your
posture. Going for a walk is a great way to get some exercise, and get your muscles moving. Even if you start with a short walk around the block, when you start seeing the benefits, you might find that you want to take longer walks. It’s also a great way to get your daily steps done.

Get some Vitamin D

The sun is the most important natural source of vitamin D, which can help our
immune system, regulate our mood, decrease the risk of depression, and helps keep our bones, teeth and muscles healthy.

Clear your mind

Stepping into nature is a great way to take a breather from whatever is troubling
you, listen to the sounds around you and centre yourself, and even meditate. It’s also a great way to inspire your creativity as it can block out all the noise and distractions that may be in the workplace.

Take some ‘you time’

Instead of eating your lunch at your desk, take it outside! Enjoy some peace
and quiet, or do something you enjoy – like reading that book you’ve been meaning to finish for

Have a walking meeting

If it’s good enough for Steve Jobs, it’s good enough for us! If you think about it, a walking meeting makes perfect sense! It gets you away from office distractions, it helps with your creativity, and it boosts your energy. Why not even finish it off with a coffee from a cafe too? It can turn a dull everyday meeting, into a hugely beneficial, fun and productive one. Top tip –
probably best to check the weather report first!
Work is important – but you are more important. Challenge yourself to get out of the workplace, and into nature over the next few days, and see what a difference it can make
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