Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy is physically demanding, Essential Thyme can help relax you (and your bump) with pregnancy massage.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also be mentally and physically demanding and stressful on your body, so what better way for you (and your bump) to relax than with a massage designed specifically for this exciting time at Essential Thyme?
This type of massage is very similar to other massage therapies, but its main difference is that instead of lying flat on your stomach, you will be carefully positioned onto your side, supported with a range of pillows and cushions to make you completely comfortable. We can also tailor this massage to sitting you in a chair or standing up leaning against a wall, the main thing is that you are comfortable throughout.
This type of massage can be carried out at any point in your pregnancy from the beginning of the 2nd trimester and can help to reduce tension in your neck, shoulders and lower back. It is equally valuable for improving circulation, relieving nervous tension and promoting relaxation.
As with all of our therapies, your safety is paramount. We will complete a full in-depth consultation with your before your massage therapy. Sandra, your massage therapist, will discuss your full medical history with you and will ask you about any problems or complications in your pregnancy so far. We would also ask that before considering this type of massage (at any point after your first trimester), that you also consult your midwife, GP or other medical professional to ensure that it is appropriate for you.