The Charlie and Carter Foundation was set up in November 2013 by Sarah and Chris Cookson after the heartbreaking loss of their two sons, Charlie and Carter. Sarah and Chris faced immense mental, emotional, and financial strain while caring for their boys around the clock. They saw firsthand the lack of financial support for families in this situation. Particularly for parents who have to give up work or significantly reduce their hours to provide constant care for a child with a life-limiting illness.

Driven by this experience, Sarah and Chris established the foundation with a clear mission: to alleviate the financial burden on families facing similar challenges. The charity directly helps families by contributing towards essential costs like mortgages, gas, electricity, and food vouchers. This allows parents to focus on what truly matters – spending precious time with their children and creating lasting memories.

While The Charlie and Carter Foundation can’t cure illnesses, it can take away the immense financial pressure. Which often intensifies when a child needs constant parental care.  In a way, Charlie and Carter, these two special angels, continue to inspire by helping countless families and brave parents who face unimaginable difficulties.

Why do Essential Thyme support The Charlie and Carter Foundation?

I understand the importance of giving back to the community. But more than that, I understand the importance of supporting local causes. The Charlie and Carter Foundation help families at the lowest point in their lives. At a time when the world around them still goes on but their lives are on hold. While they sit in hospital with a very sick child. I support this charity because I believe that families should not be penalised for wanting to make lasting memories with their children. Children, who may not have a lot of time on their side. Something the founders are sadly experienced in. No family should have the threat of losing their home. Nor the additional stress of how they will heat their home or put food on the table if they need to be out of work to provide constant care for their sick child.

Running the Great North Run for The Charlie and Carter Foundation?

I am honoured to be supporting The Charlie and Carter Foundation at this years Great North Run. By providing after run massage therapy to all of those running for the cause. If you are running for the charity, come and see us in The Charlie and Carter Foundation shop for your free massage therapy!

How you can help

How can you get involved with The Charlie and Carter Foundation and support this worthwhile cause?

Donate: Even a small donation can make a big difference for families in need.

Volunteer: Get in touch and see how you can make a big difference by giving up your time.

Visit their Shop: Go into their South Shields based shop and grab some bargains all while supporting a worthwhile cause.

By working together, we can help ease the burden of the financial pressures of family life and ensure that more families who have children with life-limiting conditions can create lasting memories with their loved ones.