Stress Awareness Week 


Today is the start of Stress Awareness week which runs from 2-6 November 2020. 

This year will have tested everyone’s stress levels at some point with covid/lockdowns etc.

We need to be aware of out stress levels and how it can affect both the body and the mind.  It’s ok to have some stress in our everyday lives such as running late for an appointment or other occasional stressful situations.  However, if we are constantly in a stressed state this can become detrimental to the health of the body both physical and mental.

When the body suffers with stress it goes into overdrive to protect itself and goes into standby mode or Flight/Flight mode.  This means the heart beats faster, breathing becomes quicker, other areas of the body can temporarily shut down such as the digestive system.  Have you noticed when you have been stressed you can be off your food?  I on the other hand, usually want to eat lots of comfort food when I get stressed and yes even, I still get stressed.

Did you know that stress can affect the body by manifesting into the following conditions?

  • Headaches
  • Increased Depression
  • Heartburn
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid breathing
  • Weaken immune system
  • Higher risk of heart attacks
  • High Blood Sugar levels (Diabetes)
  • Pounding Heart / High Blood Pressure
  • Fertility issues / Low sex drive
  • Stomach/Bowel Pains
  • Tense muscles
  • Missed Periods
  • Fatigue
  • Brain Fog
  • Lack of concentration
  • Anxiety
  • Weight Gain

So how can we try to reduce stress levels in this very stressful world we are finding ourselves in just now.  Here are some suggestions of what we can do/incorporate into our daily lives.

  • Practice relaxation techniques – deep breathing exercises, yoga, listen to music, mediate, read a book
  • Try to eat a good healthy balanced diet, cut back on amount of alcohol drunk and increase amount of water drunk
  • Try to get some regular exercise into your week. This could be a simple walk around the block at home or work, take time to notice your surrounding and nature.
  • Keep in touch with family and friends (unless they are who are stressing you out). You don’t have to do this face to face, it can be over the phone, by email or text message
  • Try to keep your sense of humour
  • Reach out for professional help such as counsellors and don’t be afraid to ask
  • And of course, book a massage session.

Aromatherapy massage can really help your to relax and help the stress reduce, not only will the massage itself help you to relax, switch off form the world outside and give you some much needed you time.  With the added extra of the essential oils which have different therapeutic healing properties to help reduce stress and also help with other physical and mental health issues.  Here are a few examples of essential oils that are good for stress:

  • Lavender – Calming, could help promote sleep
  • Frankincense – A hug in a bottle, encourages deep breathing
  • Bergamot – Helps calm the mind
  • Litsea – Helps calm anxiety levels
  • Neroli – Uplifting, calming and anti-depressant
  • Chamomile Roman – Gentle calming, anti-inflammatory
  • Basil or Rosemary – Helps with concentrate and memory

Always see advice on essential oils from a qualified aromatherapist for guidance on hoot use the oils in a safe and controlled manor.

Stress can affect everyone, but we need to watch that the levels we have do not increase or linger for long periods of time so we can keep a healthy mind and body.