


Thai Hand and Foot Massage Training Courses

Thai Hand and Foot Massage Training Courses

Thai Hand and Foot Massage Training Courses  Ever thought about training in Thai Hand & Foot Massage? You may be wondering what makes me qualified to provide Thai Hand and Foot Massage training. Well, let me tell you… In early 2019 I gained my Level 3 Award...

Indian Head Massage Training Course

Indian Head Massage Training Course

Indian Head Massage Training Courses  Ever thought about training in Indian Head Massage? So, what makes me qualified to provide Indian Head Massage training? Well… let me tell you. In early 2019 I gained my Level 3 Award in Education & Training which allows...

Child Development – Lego Therapy Benefits

Child Development – Lego Therapy Benefits

 Child Development - Lego Therapy BenefitsIn 2018 the Lego Foundation commissioned a report looking at the state of play both in the UK and 8 other counties (China, Denmark, France, Germany, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico & USA).  This report received 12,972...

‘Leg godt in Danish means play well’ – Lego Therapy

‘Leg godt in Danish means play well’ – Lego Therapy

‘Leg godt in Danish means play well’ - Lego TherapySo why I am writing a blog about Danish phrases I hear you ask.  Well I am a massive Lego fan and recently I took some time out from my hands on therapies and took part in some training to become an accredited Lego...

Walking Backwards

Walking Backwards

Walking Backwards  You would agree that it’s normal for people when they walk to walk in a forward direction (unless you have had a bit too much to drink and might go in more of a zig zag pattern). Walking is a great form of exercise, which most people are able...

New Year or a New You

New Year or a New You

New Year or a New You  How many times have you decided that you are going to change something when the new year comes round?  And how often have you actually stuck to these changes for the whole year? Did you know a study was carried out in America about people...

Christmas Aromas

Christmas Aromas

Christmas Aromas  Soon we will be hearing, if not already the Coca Cola advert telling us all that ‘the holidays are coming” and the shops already have their Christmas stock on the shelves as Christmas is not long away now, how will you be spending it?  Will it...

Who is behind Essential Thyme?

Who is behind Essential Thyme?

Who is behind Essential Thyme?  Essential Thyme was born in July 2012 around the Lemington area of Newcastle, carrying on a legacy from the charity ‘Time For You’ which offered low-cost therapies to people on benefits in the Scotswood area, but unfortunately it...

The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch  Touch is so underestimated  ‘Nothing is so healing as human touch, and too often we underestimate the power of touch’ During the month of October we are celebrating Pro-Touch Awareness Month and kicking off on the 1st October with National...

Can I mention the ‘C’ word yet? (Christmas)

Can I mention the ‘C’ word yet? (Christmas)

Can I mention the ‘C’ word yet?  When I mean the ‘C’ word of course I am talking about Christmas, yes I know its only the start of September but behind the scenes at Essential Thyme there has been a lot of planning and preparation to introduce to you a new bigger...